Switching to LuxCore After you have installed the addon, switch the render engine in the info panel on the top to 'LuxCore'. If you now press F12 or hit the render or animation buttons, the BlendLuxCore addon will create a LuxCore session and convert the Blender objects, camera, lights etc. To a LuxCore scene and start to render it.
LuxCore Halt Conditions The render properties contain a panel with the global halt conditions of a scene. They allow to automatically stop the render process after a certain amount of time (in seconds) has passed, and/or after a certain amount of samples per pixel have been reached, or after the noise in the image falls under a certain threshold. Oct 16, 2018 LuxCore is old new, meaning it is a rewrite of LuxRender, with a few tweaks and additions and much better integration with Blender. There is no reason, however, to stick with just one render engine. Use what works for the situation. All Windows executables require the Visual C Redistributable Packages for VS 2017 and Intel C redistributable.; We have prepared some example scenes to help you get started. LuxCoreRender is among the most powerful renderers available for Blender. Like Blender, it is also an open source project, maintained by a team of dedicated developers.
Latest versionReleased:
LuxCore API
Project description
[![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/LuxCoreRender/LuxCore.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/LuxCoreRender/LuxCore)
### LuxCoreRender
LuxCoreRender is a physically correct, unbiased rendering engine. It is built onphysically based equations that model the transportation of light. This allowsit to accurately capture a wide range of phenomena which most other renderingprograms are simply unable to reproduce.
You can find more information about at https://www.luxcorerender.org
### LuxCore library
LuxCore is the new LuxCoreRender v2.x C++ and Python API. It is released under Apache PublicLicense v2.0 and can be freely used in open source and commercial applications.
You can find more information about the API at https://wiki.luxcorerender.org/LuxCore_API
### SLG library
SLG is an implementation of LuxCore API and it can be safely ignored if you arenot interested in internal LuxCoreRender development.
### LuxRays library
LuxRays is the part of LuxCoreRender dedicated to accelerate the ray intersectionprocess by using CPUs or GPUs.
If you don’t have any specific interest in the ray/triangle intersection topicor internal LuxCoreRender development, you can safely ignore this library.
### LuxCoreUI
This is the most complete example of LuxCore API usage and it is available inthe samples/luxcoreui directory.
To check how it works, just run luxcoreui from the root directory:
./bin/luxcoreui scenes/cornell/cornell.cfg
### LuxCoreConsole
This is a simple example of a command line renderer written using LuxCore API and it isavailable in the samples/luxcoreconsole directory.Just run luxcoreconsole from the root directory with:
./bin/luxcoreconsole -D batch.halttime 10 scenes/cornell/cornell.cfg
### LuxCore API SDK
If you have downloaded the LuxCore API SDK, to compile the examples use:
`cmake .make`
if you have downloaded the SDK without OpenCL support:
### PyLuxCoreTools
PyLuxCoreTools are a set of command line tools available in the LuxCoreRender standalone version. The includes network rendering, film merging, command line renderingand more.
NOTE: pyluxcoretool is a stand-alone, self-containing executable on Windows. OnLinux instead, you have to install Python and PySide before to run the tools. PySidecan be usually installed with a:
sudo pip3 install PySide(or sudo pip install PySide)
You can avoid to install PySide if you use only the command line tools available inpyluxcoretool. You can than run pyluxcoretool with a:
python3 pyluxcoretools.zip(or python pyluxcoretools.zip)
### Authors
See AUTHORS.txt file.
### Credits
A special thanks goes to:
- Alain “Chiaroscuro” Ducharme for Blender 2.5 exporter and several scenes provided;
- Sladjan “lom” Ristic for several scenes provided;
- Riku “rikb” Walve for source patches;
- David “livuxman” Rodriguez for source patches;
- Daniel “ZanQdo” Salazar (http://www.3developer.com/) for Sala scene and Michael “neo2068” Klemm for SLG2 adaptation;
- Mourelas Konstantinos “Moure” (http://moure-portfolio.blogspot.com/) for Room Scene;
- Diego Nehab for PLY reading/writing library;
- http://www.hdrlabs.com/sibl/archive.html and http://shtlab.blogspot.com/2009/08/hdri-panoramic-skies-for-free.html for HDR maps;
- http://chronosphere.home.comcast.net/~chronosphere/radiosity.htm for Cornell Blender scene;
- libPNG authors http://www.libpng.org;
- zlib authors http://www.zlib.net/ (not used anymore);
- OpenEXR authors http://www.openexr.com/ (not used anymore);
- FreeImage open source image library. See http://freeimage.sourceforge.net for details;
- Tomas Davidovic (http://www.davidovic.cz and http://www.smallvcm.com) for SmallVCM, an endless source of hints;
- GLFW authors (http://www.glfw.org);
- ImGUI authors (https://github.com/ocornut/imgui);
- Cycles authors (https://www.blender.org/) for HSV/RGB conversion code.
### License
This software is released under Apache License Version 2.0 (see COPYING.txt file).
Release historyRelease notifications | RSS feed
2.0b1 pre-release
2.0a5 pre-release
2.0a4.dev1 pre-release
Download files
Download the file for your platform. If you're not sure which to choose, learn more about installing packages.
Filename, size | File type | Python version | Upload date | Hashes |
Filename, size luxcorerender-2.0b-cp34-cp34m-manylinux1_x86_64.whl (25.5 MB) | File type Wheel | Python version cp34 | Upload date | Hashes |
Filename, size luxcorerender-2.0-cp34-cp34m-manylinux1_x86_64.whl (25.5 MB) | File type Wheel | Python version cp34 | Upload date | Hashes |
Filename, size luxcorerender_opencl-2.0a-cp34-cp34m-manylinux1_x86_64.whl (26.1 MB) | File type Wheel | Python version cp34 | Upload date | Hashes |
Filename, size luxcorerender_opencl-2.0-cp34-cp34m-manylinux1_x86_64.whl (25.5 MB) | File type Wheel | Python version cp34 | Upload date | Hashes |
Hashes for luxcorerender-2.0b-cp34-cp34m-manylinux1_x86_64.whl
Luxcore Blender Install
Algorithm | Hash digest |
SHA256 | 83223b6ffb1c830763cd96a8281d564ba59bf5fb8eabb1f4b07f73c3686b6d73 |
MD5 | 6c550935a4e937626fe8cd9a06afb403 |
BLAKE2-256 | f0057eb53e43082303f9a1f007182fb4f476023a1bae2bf72a1585a5d25c20d1 |
Hashes for luxcorerender-2.0-cp34-cp34m-manylinux1_x86_64.whl
Algorithm | Hash digest |
SHA256 | 7d62ccb0982d48d4ae900659daec6d9b4dfad0d21847e757f76e289b73b2c115 |
MD5 | 10e7e744d9b31032cb326f2f6dfdf63f |
BLAKE2-256 | 730f3767ea5c5ce814978353637b8345cfd1d2862a0b68c06813339c1da1214d |
Hashes for luxcorerender_opencl-2.0a-cp34-cp34m-manylinux1_x86_64.whl
Algorithm | Hash digest |
SHA256 | 5096a0ceb8472020a574f507ad57cf07a7310e5f49031ccf19e4231f39e25bed |
MD5 | a7bbdcae3a72befc15feb0469bcf6ad5 |
BLAKE2-256 | 132c921bb501bdaced918442b1662ca39e9f5b94f7b0fce5f6a025e39ed62a05 |
Hashes for luxcorerender_opencl-2.0-cp34-cp34m-manylinux1_x86_64.whl
Algorithm | Hash digest |
SHA256 | 6ceb27ad244fc507fe8c2afaac0de041552d35d06085c4dddcb84f6ea97b0438 |
MD5 | 2e20fad83d2342a1f101d57aa2dbc0ab |
BLAKE2-256 | e086505c5a60cbdf04d6af9313c43915b57c52e55fc0f93a2a1b7a7f5d495e55 |
Video Tutorials
Blender Luxcore Addon
Blender 2.8x
BlendLuxCore Guide by Mike Zurawski
Tutorials by cgvirus
Blender 2.79
General Tutorials
These tutorials are not about LuxCoreRender, but about scene composition, lighting and other universal concepts.
- ciechanow.ski: Lights and Shadows
- ciechanow.ski: Color Spaces
- blenderer.com: What makes a beautiful scene
- blenderer.com: Secrets to making the best interior scenes
Old Tutorials for LuxBlend
The tutorials listed here were made with the old LuxBlend addon.
- Create nice beer using Blender and LuxCore: Part 1 and Part 2