
Services And Equipment. Mobile Retardant Base; Ground Applied Retardant; Mixing Systems; Company Info. Translation for 'Postcheck' in the free German-English dictionary and many other English translations.

After installing Genesys Intelligent Automation, you must configure it as described in this section.

PostCheck 2: PostCheck is a plug-in for Apple's Address Book app, providing Address Book with additional functionality: By using the United States Postal Service (USPS) database, PostCheck can fill in missing parts of an address, such as ZIP+4 Codes. But that's not all PostCheck does. The (expression) after the while won't be evaluated until all the code inside the curly braces has been executed. That means this do while loop is a post-check example. A pre-check looks like. The POSI-Check audit solution is designed to formulate and monitor an effective response to communicable infections in hotels and restaurants around the world. POSI-Check was created to support organisations over the coming months as the world recovers from the COVID-19 pandemic.


It is recommended you print this page (generate a PDF) and sign off on each step.

CTI Data

Intelligent Automation has the capability to store some attached-data variables in its reporting database (usually used for custom reports). As the space is limited, Intelligent Automation can configure regular-expression patterns to exclude or include data. By default, the patterns are empty, which means all attached data will be saved. If the data to be saved is bigger than the space available in the database, the data is truncated (in no particular order).

Setting NameDescriptionDefault ValueYour Value
CLIData.Mobiles.PrefixA value indicating the prefix of a mobile number.07
VuiPreferences.Defaults.store_cti_fields_in_reporting_dataA Boolean value to indicate if Intelligent Automation is to store CTI fields in reporting data.true
CTI.FieldsToStoreInReporting.ExcludePatternExclusion pattern. The default value is blank, but you can set a new value that suits your business needs (for example, ^ROUTING.*$).None
CTI.FieldsToStoreInReporting.IncludePatternInclusion pattern. The default value is blank, but you can set a new value that suits your business needs (for example, ^(AccountNumber|CustomerID)$).None

Database Overnight Jobs

To increase database performance, Intelligent Automation performs an overnight (or quiet period) job that consists of the following main tasks:

  • Archiving old report data into historical tables. These historical tables are still referenced in reports and database views.
  • Delete historical data that is older than the specified number of days.
A large value would affect the performance of the reports that use the data.
Setting NameDescriptionDefault ValueYour Value
DBOvernightJobs.NumDaysHistoricalDataToKeepThe number of days of historical data to keep. If set to -1, no data is deleted.-1


Intelligent Automation must be able to send emails via an SMTP server (for example, to send password-reset emails).

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Setting NameDescriptionDefault ValueYour Value
Email.SMTP.HostThe SMTP host that Intelligent Automation will use to send emails (for example, password-reset emails)
Email.SMTP.PortThe SMTP port of the host.25


You must update the default server setting that points to the location of GraphViz, which renders the callflow diagrams.

Setting NameDescriptionDefault ValueYour Value
GraphViz.DotPathPath to GraphViz executable.C:/Program Files/Graphviz2.26/bin/dot.exe


You must configure the SMS gateway to use outbound SMS. The example below is for the Genesys Portico SMS Gateway:

Setting NameDescriptionDefault ValueYour Value
SMS.CarrierThe Carrier ID as allocated by the SMS gateway provider.None
SMS.DefaultFromNumberThe number that appears as the sender on the recipient's phone. This number often requires authorization by the SMS gateway.None
SMS.HostHostname of the SMS gateway.None
SMS.MethodHTTP method for calling the SMS Gateway (for example, POST).None
SMS.PlusSymbolBeforeRecipientNumberSpecifies whether to prefix an international + symbol to the recipient number.None
SMS.PortPort of the SMS gateway.None
SMS.RequestBodyBody of the HTTP request (if required).None
SMS.RequestHeadersHeaders of the HTTP request (if required).None
SMS.TimeoutTime, in milliseconds, to wait for a response from the SMS gateway.None
SMS.URLURL to the SMS gateway interface.None
SMS.UserUsername of the SMS gateway account.None
SMS.PasswordPassword of the SMS gateway account.None

SNMP Traps

Intelligent Automation can generate SNMP traps. The configurations below are required if you intend to use SNMP traps; otherwise, continue to the next section.

Setting NameDescriptionDefault ValueYour Value
SNMP.Traps.EnabledA Boolean value to indicate if Intelligent Automation is to store CTI fields in reporting data.false
SNMP.Traps.ManagerHostnameThe name of the SNMP manager.localhost
SNMP.Traps.ManagerPortThe SNMP manager port.162
SNMP.Traps.CommunityThe community name for SNMP traps. This setting is usually unchanged.public
SNMP.Traps.ServerHeartbeat.EnabledA Boolean value to indicate if each Intelligent Automation server is to send heartbeat traps.
The SNMP.Traps.Enabled setting must be set to true to use heartbeat traps.
SNMP.Traps.ServerHeartbeat.FrequencySecondsThe frequency, in seconds, for when each Intelligent Automation server will send heartbeat traps.60

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Intelligent Automation uses the log4j logging mechanism, which can send logs to a centralized logging server. You must complete this configuration if you wish to use this feature.

Post check meaning
Setting NameDescriptionDefault ValueYour Value
log4j.appender.SYSLOG.syslogHostSet within the file on each Intelligent Automation instance. This value defines the hostname/IP address of the syslog server.None

User Logins

These settings define criteria for a successful login using an authorized password and a valid password.

Setting NameDescriptionDefault ValueYour Value
Login.ExternalAuthentication.ModeDefines if external users (those configured and maintained by Genesys Administrator Extension) can log into Intelligent Automation. If required, set this to ConfigServer.None
Login.Failure.LockoutDelayInSecsDefines (in seconds) the length of time following a login failure before a user is locked out, preventing further login attempts.1800
Login.Failure.ThresholdDefines the number of times a user can attempt to log in to an account unsuccessfully.5
Login.Password.ExpiryDaysDefines the number of days before a new password can expire.90
Login.Password.ShowForgottenPasswordLinkSpecifies whether the Forgot your password link appears on the Log in page.true
Login.SessionTimeoutInSecsDefines the time limit (in seconds) that a logged-in session can last without user activity.900000


For security purposes, WebIVR uses a default server setting to dictate from where it can be embedded. To launch WebIVR from the GUI for testing, or to use the Theme Preview function, you must add the GUI server(s) to the list of allowed domains.

Setting NameDescriptionDefault ValueYour Value
VisualIVR.Security.AllowedDomainsHostname and port of the GUI server(s) from which WebIVR can be launched or embedded. For example: http://FQDN:PORT.http://localhost:8080

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